

Kathy Greene wrote:

> I know this may sound weird, but as I read the posts on difficulty getting
> pwp to take medicine  I thought of my last classroom.  My students were
> fairly severely autistic.  Often when I made a direct request or gave
> instructions the very first response was NO.  If I pushed the issue we would
> really get into a power struggle, and power struggles always escalated until
> they won.  So I removed myself from the battle and found ways to keep them
> on track without the 'demand' coming from me.
> Perhaps if the pills were left next to a really annoying timer that had to
> be turned off the pwp would take them.  They may feel more in control of
> things, or at least not like they are being "pushed" around.
> Just a though, thank goodness I don't have to deal with this with mom yet,
> but the 'control issue' rang a bell with me and put me back in the classroom
> with my students.Kathy

  I looked at the subject scanned the message and found no reference to Requip.
What a gyp!  I am interested in Requip as a possible replacement for Permax for
Barbara and I got over 900 hits from the archives.
I was wondering how many of those hits are misleading like this one.  Now I'll have
to re-assess  my choices in evaluating the merits of such a switch.  Are these
references rated in any way?  Is there a summary in these references, experiences
with the drug in question?  I can easily find out the chemical and physical
properties of ropinirole, but not much more.
Well..., back to the library, internet, etc.
Michel Margosis