

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses         56  deg. F   :-)

--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: [log in to unmask]
To: [log in to unmask]
Cc: [log in to unmask]
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 00:30:30 -0400
Subject: My caregiver, Mike, forced to leave me -HELP please
Message-ID: <[log in to unmask]>

Dear friends,

I have very bad news, and at the same time, at the end below is
information again on the  26-min.videotape of me.

I am in trouble .

My precious caregiver, Mike Peare, 27,is now supposedly
 on a bus to Virginia. I know it is against his will.  It was NOT his
decision.  He has been under huge pressure from his mother.

 He called yesterday and said that his mother"told" him to stop working
Today, she just boasted over the phone that she took him to Greyhound ,
"put him" on the
6:45 PM bus. I found out at 8:50 PM from my friend Toni,
who is here with me tonight, who called her phone humber.

I am alone again, and very worn down. I am
afraid of being hospitalized due to NO overnight

Mike and his sister
Rose had to sneak him over here on Sat, Sun,
Mon and Tuesday, to help me.

On Tuesday afternoon, after being dropped off near his mother's
 employer's office, he vanished. I have been overwhelemed.

I have been increasingly shaky  and
worn out,  and told him this on the phone, when
he was just once not blocked from talking to me.

Mike , 27, who wrote the message that Camilla
Flintemann posted from the CARE list, below,
 has been my personal care attendant for three months.
He worked 40 hours or more per week at $6.25/ hr,
six nights per week at $9.00 bonus per night (not
$9.00 per hour).  He stayed with me here.

His mother objected to nearly everything I did.
  I helped him open his first bank account.
  I helped him with his math , and helped him
withh his High SChool Diploma math test.I also
helped him with reading, writing, reading a clock,
and spelling. I read him the motor vehicle
learner's permit exam. After agonizing over the
exam, he passed.  He literally jumped for joy!

I could never have asked for anyone more
helpful.  I learned tonight that he was put on a
Greyhound bus to Virginia to  supposedly
"work the carnival

. He is gone. I think the  reason is her
fear of losing control of him.

I have no caregiver for SIX nights of each week.

The same  horrible$9.00 per night wage that I wrote
about on the List last fall made it very hard for me and
for him.  He has been almost forced to the point of exhaustion
to take a side job this week, afternoons,unpacking boxes.

  His employer , supposedly is
the best friend of his mother. Mike phoned me TUes at 538 PM, and
on my answering tape that he was "exhausted."  He never
arrived home.  His mother took him away from work, and I spent
the night without his help.

I was alarmed when she told me that  she was "working him".when I
phoned the number on my caller ID that matched the message from Mike.
She laughed like it was oK to work him to the bone.

Can anyone PLEASE try to find him.??  I am NOT
coping with his being "exported" !!  He wanted to stay
with me, and even to audition in the Chorus you all know I am in.
locally, first week of September. WE have been listening
to gospel  together at home.

Please help if you can. MIKE was tryiing to stay HERE
with me.

The video ordering information follows.


To order the "Challenge of Young Parkinson's"
 26-min videotape interviewing me on "Forum 2000", WPME-TV,  UPN Network,
directly from me.  Ivan Suzman  9 Range Street Portland Maine, 04103
The cost is $USA 13.00 or $USA 14.00 Priority Mail.

My rest period starts on Aug 13 at 5PM Please eitherorder by then, or
wait until

 On Thu, 12 Aug 1999 18:44:05 -0400 Camilla Flintermann
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Thought you should see this, as Mike is not reading the CARE list
>>>Hi Mike-- Glad you are back.

Mike Peare had written this at 11:23 AM on TUesday morning, from my
>>>>Hi caregivers
>>>>If there is anyone wood like to order the tape you can e-mail me .
>>>>    I hope you will e-mail i will be here.
>>>>                                   thank you all
>>>>                                           Mike P.C.A