

From: Leo Fuhr <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: PERMAX as monotherapy in early PD; my particular response to this
Date: Saturday, August 14, 1999 9:50 PM

The last part of July 1999 I posted to PIE about my neuro asking that I try
monotherapy w/PERMAX(Pergolide) since I'm 48(49 in sept) and he hoped to
delay using levodopa and it's long term side effects.  Many of you wrote
and commented on using PERMAX alone, the amount of PERMAX being taken and
Brian Collins and others mentioned that w/o levodopa, they weren't sure I
could get sufficient relief from pd symptoms.

 I called my neuro's office on 8/6/99 and told of my
increasing pd symptoms and the nausea/diarreha I was having as side effects
of PERMAX.  I asked if I could reintroduce SINEMETCR in low dosage to give
me relief until I could get in for my 8/18/99 appointment.  My neuro was
paged, called back immediately and the nurse called me and said I could
reintroduce SINEMETCR 50/200 at 1/2 tab a day and could gradually add more
if needed but to try to keep dose low and continue the PERMAX .25 mg tab @
3x a day.  I immediately took the 1/2 tab w/orange juice and within 1/2
hour felt better.

I just wanted to thank all the PIE responders to my message.  You gave me
the courage to say what I really felt....w/o levodopa the rigidity, left
shldr pain, and all the symptoms that baffled my primary care dr and had
him referring me to a neuro for proper dx were returning.  I also kept a
drug diary w/comments that helped me remember how/when I felt certain way.

Today I rec'd NPF Parkinson's Report Vol XX No. 2 Summer 1999 that has
featured on the cover the article:"Pergolide in the Treatment of PD".  The
article can also be found at <>  The
article explains that in one study, 48% of newly dx with PD patients showed
marked or moderate improvement & 32% mild improvement.   I understand why
my mds hoped I'd be in the 48% group.

I'm glad he understood when i called to complain that results in my own
body were not successful.  Another example of the uniqueness of this
disease and how drugs may differ for each patient.

Jeanette Fuhr 48/47/44?