

At 04:46 1999/08/16 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm afraid that Joan Samuelson does NOT overstate her case!!
>I hate to rain on anyone's parade or be the proverbial wet
>blanket or even to forecast gloom & doom...but I think that
>we must not lull ourselves into a false sense of security...

hold your horses there a minnut, ma'am!!
it's getting a tad squishy around here...
what with the rain and the damp and the gloom and all...

just what "case" is joan quoted as making?

i do believe that her words are pulled
***** by the print medium involved *****
out of an impassioned plea she made re funding pd research

i doubt that she actually said
that her future "will" be as described, period

i don't doubt that she said
that her future "might" be as described,
and that's a big and powerful
pd research doesn't get the funding and attention it deserves
[or words to that effect]

>I can only tell you about me-at age 47, I am a drooling, quivering,
>unbalanced, frozen, accident waiting to happen-and I'm afraid that's
>on my good days!!!
>On my bad days, I don't get off the couch. Thanks to understanding
>friends & my  terrific family-i am still able to accomplish alot. I
>have had 2 pallidotomies-the 2nd nearly killed me & so surgical
>options are pretty much used up....

despite the "failings" and the "weaknesses" that you exhibit
you've had options and benefits that past parkies have not had
viz moe udall

and it seems to me from my vantage point
that you are far and away many miles and light years from comatosity

>But each day I keep getting up because I have a wonderful husband
>& 2 great kids & I have faith that God will find a way to use me
>for good even if it means only to go my computer and help someone
>in chat to make it thru just one more day. While I hope for a
>cure in my lifetime, I pray for the strength & courage to make it thru
>just one more day. After fighting this disease for over ten yrs., I'm
>afraid that I've become a realist with optimistic attitudes.

so what's to fear about that?

the word REALIST is not a synomym for PESSIMIST
at least not the last time i looked

so where exactly do you see this
'lulling into a false sense of security'?

if we ourselves fall for the headline seeking traps and ploys
of the fear-mongering-exaggeration-prone-awfulizing-style of the media
how can we hope to turn pd awareness around?

what's the point of your working on that book?
why should ivan bother with his video work?
why did i bother writing this?


janet paterson
52 now / 41 dx / 37 onset
snail-mail: PO Box 171  Almonte  Ontario  K0A 1A0  Canada
website: a new voice <>
e-mail: <[log in to unmask]>