

Hi Don-- I think the only time you need to put "NON-PD"  would be on the
main list--you don't need it on SPARKLE because that's ALL NON-PD.   I
think if you want to post an oiccasional joke to the main list, no one will
mind--we're just trying to get  most of  the   silly stuff on SPARKLE so as
not to make the folks who don't like it mad ! And there are those who have
pohysical problems deleting a lot of posts, sdo it should help them if they
just use the main list--GLAD YOU ARE ON BOTH!!!!!

. i still don't see what
>the diff. beaten non PD- subject.  or  sparkle. just dimb i gesse. this is
>just my opine that to many answer the same ?

        ---just for fun!........ Camilla        <[log in to unmask]>

                          Laughter--    :-)   :-)
                             the best medecine !