

hi all

At 07:04 1999/08/19 EDT, renee wrote:
>Hi all.  I haven't read all my email, so the info I'm about to put forth may
>already be there, but here goes:  my mother (75, PD for 12 years) has started
>(about 3 weeks ago) taking Sinemet 25/250 in liquid form on an hourly basis.
>She mixes all the day's Sinemet and 1000 mg of Vit. C in one quart of water
>and blends it in the blender.  Then she drinks between 2 and 3 ounces every
>hour for the rest of the day.  Aside from the major inconvenience of the
>"therapy" and the fact the she has to wear an improvised "timer" around her
>neck ( also she is slighly hard of hearing), she is much improved.  The ups
>and downs of taking Sinemet in pill form are much much smoother and she has
>no more totally "off" times.  She has also decreased the Eldepryl by 50% (I
>can't remember the exact dose at this instant).
>Does anyone have any experience with something like this?  Please send
>feedback.  Thanks.  Renee

renee, that sounds great!
and just as one might expect

as pd [along with sensitivity to levodopa] progresses
the "window" for optimum response to levodopa gets narrower
and fine-tuning for reducing under- and over- medicated states
becomes a primary issue

thus, timing becomes critical
maybe once your mother starts enjoying the smoother ride
she'll come to look on the daily med preparation
as less of a chore

in re the timer, maybe an alternative
with a vibrating alarm rather than a sound alarm
could be found?
