

Rayna -

I think Joan Samuelson is overstating the case.  When she says "unable
to...", read "has difficulty with."  That would be more accurate.  It takes
many years to get to that point, and for many, there are surgical solutions
which offer a new lease on life.  For a PWP in the early stages, there's
reason to hope an actual cure will be found in time to benefit  them.

If it helps, I can tell you that my husband's neuro, a well-respected
movement disorder specialist, recently moved to Florida to involve himself in
the search for a cure.  He said before he left that he believes the cure will
be found within five years.

Margie  cg for Dick, 54/17

 As someone with a spouse in stage 2 with a tremor on one side being pretty
well controlled with 2-/1/2 sinemet 25/100 per day, I found this article
totally depressing.  Is this what we have to look forward to?
