

Greetings to everyone on the PIE List.  Yesterday marked the first
Edition of the Parkinsaw, MI Chronicle on SPARKLE.  This edition was
short on Parkinsaw happenings and long on the porker saga, primarily to
provide a resurrection medium for the lost pigs.  Due to its informative
nature, we decided to post the entire edition to the PIE list to ensure
that remaining fans could be informed about the latest chapter and
verse.  It is my intention to continue posting the Parkinsaw Chronicle
to the PIE List approximately each Sunday, sans Piggery Prattle, which
will be included in the Sparkle version.  So, for those of youse who
experienced sharp chest pains upon seeing still another Porker Post
yesterday, kindly rest assured that it was an isolated incident and will
not be repeated---unless, of course, there is an overwhelming hue and
cry protesting this plan, accompanied by heartfelt, passionate begging
to include a summary of  Happy Hog Happenings in the weekly PIE version
of the Chronicle.  Otherwise, you'll have to make the journey over to
Sparkleville to keep up to date on, to borrow an old song by Connie
Francis, "Where the Hogs Are."  (Hands Clapping, Cheers, Band Music).
Thank you.

John Bjork
The Parkinsaw Chronicle
Parkinsaw, MI