

> Dear Dennis,
> You have once again spoken the truth with such eloquence and beauty that
> mere thought of Stage IV and V is not a bad thing.  You cause the brave
> spirit to erupt from the not-so-brave.  I often think of the night at
> Blarney Castle when you allowed me to venture into your horrid black hole
> being "Off" and allowed me to take you by the hand and gently, and yes
> bravely walk with you back to the land of light.  I think a very important
> thing here to remember is that we could not have made that journey unless
> had  been willing.  Just as you helped me come back  from the writhing of
> dyskinesia.  I don't believe I had ever had it as bad as I experienced it
> that given day in Illinois. I believe with my whole heart that until we
> willing to admit that there are things about pd that are unpleasant we
> have to take the step forward into dealing, coping and living with it.  I
> would much rather venture into life while this wretched disease marches on
> than to bury my head in the sand of denial.  Thanks again my friend and
> brother.  With much love and appreciation I  shout to cheer you on..Keep
> the fight..for we are in this together!!
> Sandy