

Clare, I do the same thing and get responses from our congressman. The Senators
vary. I even get unsoliciated letters about action on PD. There should be more
like him. Nita

Clare Wilson wrote:

> Hi All.  Just want to tell you how easy it was to write my congressmen as
> suggested by Kelly Abbet of PAN.  She gave us yesterday all the information,
> plus formatted letters and tells us when and where to send them all.  I typed
> out one of the letters requesting these representatives to get on the ball and
> appropriate the Udall funding.  Then I printed out three copies of the letter,
> and added individual names and addresses to them.  Took about  an hour,
> total.  When I  put them in the mail box, I felt I had done something
> helpful to our cause.
> I don't know who else to share this with but you.  I hope lots of others have
> discovered the same satisfaction.
> Clare Wilson