


very briefly - hopefully not too bluntly - the diaphragmic breathing
learning is probably one of the things we should be told to exercise
frequently. I trnow to do more of it when my cognition of being short of
oxygen becomes conscious.

when we walk - wife and i  - or stroll if that is the best speed i can
muster, we generally go level then up hill for a five blocks ? portion,
then level, then downhil to the house again. when the wind is strong -
not such that we shorten the walk - that uphill effort gives me lack of
oxygen. if i have been doing some diaphragm breathing, the difficulty is less.

in brief, we need to use it or lose it. there is a little about
breathing in one of the 12 NPF videotapes (25 minute interview format
videos now about 3 years out of date/age).

hope this helps. it is tough to breathe well with less and less muscle
strength and access (conscious control or using the diaphragm).
Ron Vetter 1936, '84 PD dz
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