

I thank you for your offer, but for now the meds are working well, and to be
blunt, I'm tired of seeing doctors who tell me they know beyond a doubt I
have _______ (whatever their specialty is), only to take the newest test and
be told no, its not that.  In Nov 1998, my neuro told me I had Parkinson's
and needed to think about a medical retirement.  In May, based on a video
tape he made while I was off sinemet (but still on Mirapex and pain
killers), he decided I did not have pd, and didn't know what the problem
was.  The PET scan showed I had a buildup? of iron in the basal ganglia, but
it was not consistent with anything they knew of.  So at this time, I dont
have a "name" for whatever is causing this, and I am tired of seeing
"specialists" who can "cure" me with just____.  One did the test where they
stick needles in you and shock you - told me I had carprel tunnel of my left
wrist (one of the few joints which doesn't hurt). Another did the same test
while I was in  a really good set of shakes - after the results came back,
he came in and told me "You are normal" When I pointed down at my legs
bouncing all over the damn room and said "this IS NOT normal", he looked me
in the eye and asked me "Why they do that?"
Sorry, didn't mean to spew bile, but I have developed a less than high
opinion of many in the medical community. When the meds quit working, I am
planning on going to the Mayo clinic in Wisconsin, or the clinic in LA and
being a guinea pig for them. Until then, I am going to enjoy life, ride my
horses, raise my kids,  take the meds on time, and spit in the eye of anyone
who calls themselves a neuro and can "cure me" if I just do.......