

I got the results back om my EMG test.   They were faxed to me on Thursday, but i won't get to talk to the doctor about it until Monday.  i was wondering if anyone out there would hazard a guess aas to what they mean - they mystify me.  [Ths neurology sure does not appear to be an exact science, to me.
It says,
1.)"...There are no findings to suggest the presence of myopathy.."
2.) Elsewhere, though. it concludes,  "these findings are suggestive of neuromuscular junction defect."  Hmmm.  I don't now what that is.  I have no clue.  Indicative of one of the PD+ diseases, I suspect...
It further suggests that, in addition to a blood test for antibodies, that i get a Tensilon test and a single fiber EMG.....???
Thanks VERY much for your help !!
Bruce A. [ 53, 5]