

Dear Janice, 
I would  like to add my request to the many asking you not to leave the list.  However, as I wrote this request, I realized I didn't care to continue to see good people with similar goals attacking each other when we should be attacking a hateful disease which has ruined so many good people's lives, and decided to leave the list for awhile myself.  You can't know how much I appreciated reading your letter - I felt it supported what I had written earlier, and it came at a very good time for me.  I am sentimental, and patriotic, and probably naive as well.  One of the list members I respect and read quite a bit had just sent me a private email indicating I am corny, or maybe that I am full of bull shit - to be honest I don't know what Omaha i.e., did I grow up there, is known for but I assume it is one of those two he was referring to. I meant my posting to be a plea for civility, a request for all of us to reconsider what the list is supposed to mean to us, and to maybe make some of those with hurt feelings take a few minutes before responding and escalating the current problems; instead it evidently caused scorn to occur, at least to one member.  Your message made me feel better, and let me  know I am not the only one who is sadden to see the personal attacks seeming to get worse instead of better.  As I right this, another list member who is most eloquent, and who I respect very much,  has just posted a message stating the same points, but criticizing a member in the same sentence.  That saddens me as well.

So to answer my private message, no I did not grow up in Omaha.  I am a native Texan, with a bachelor and master degrees from Texas A&M University. I am 40 yrs old, was diagnosed with Parkinson's in Nov 1998, and then had the diagnosis changed to unknown again in May, the week after I finally agreed with the neuro's previous suggestion to apply for  disability retirement - which made the next 5 months just loads of fun.  After 9 years of tests and more tests, the doctors can now state categorically, "something sure isn't right". I am patriotic and old fashion - I still say the pledge of allegiance, take my hat off in doors, and hold the door open for  ladies.  I have 2 boys I am very proud of, and will be happy to send their picture to anyone who would like to see it.  I am also an aspiring poet who happens to believe everyone should be treated with respect and dignity, and who tries to do just that regardless of whether I agree with their opinions or not.  If there is anything else anyone would like to know or question about me, my beliefs, lifestyles etc., my email address is again posted at the bottom of this message.  You will have to send it to there, as I will not be responding to any network lists for the foreseeable future.  Good luck to all of you, and God bless you
good bye for now
Bob Armentrout
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