

hi all

At 04:49 1999/08/25 -0400, hilary[ous] wrote, in part:
>I mean, picture the scene:
>Two congressmen are waiting for the elevator.
>Congr. A says, "I got 17 letters about the Udall bill today".
>And his friend B says,  "Only 17! Why, I got 23!"
>They get in the elevator and Senator X is there.
>He asks, "Have you fellows also been inundated with letters
>about the Udall bill? D--n Parkies, got nothing else to do
>but write letters all day. Why aren't they out working?
>If they can write letters, they can go and get a job."
>Then congressman A says, "With all due respect sir,
>there is a bit of a difference between writing one letter
>and getting a job". The elevator reaches the cafeteria level.
>The senator snorts, "Hrumph', and all three exit the elevator...

left me snortling!


janet paterson
52 now / 41 dx / 37 onset
po box 171, almonte, ontario, canada, K0A 1A0
a new voice:
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