

Camilla Flintermann wrote:

>  I'm not aware that here (in Ohio)
> there are such strict guidelines for handicapped parking permits.
> I wonder if other states / countries have as strict a definition as Oz

When researching the original submission I discovered that the U.K. has
similar criteria to ours, including the at all times requirement.  My
informant indicated that he had not heard of anyone being refused a permit
because they had the 'on/off' syndrome.  Even here in Western Australia, the
'at all times' requirement existed for a great many years but was not given
prominence or enforced until the agency came under pressure from PERMIT
HOLDERS angry at seeing apparently able bodied people using the bays.  I
must point out that PWP were not the only people caught up in the net -
others included people with MS and people with arthritis.
