

Yes, anyone can obtain a copy of "The Challenge of Young Parkinson's" by
following what Camilla provided, addedat the end of her message.


P.S. A more mature care provider, Ed,  has spent one test week here.  He
is going to stay on
now for another three weeks, still testing the waters.  We are doing
fine, and he has met
my dad and step-mom.  His 2 daughters,  Anya and Lindsay, (13 and 11) are

On Sun, 22 Aug 1999 16:21:46 -0400 Camilla Flintermann
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Friends-- I sent this message to Ivan and he has given my permission
>post it---re: his TV appearance on videotape.
>>Peter and I felt it was very good---and especially for the uses we
>>have in
>>mind of showing it to college age students who are being recruited
>>on the Pennies for Parkinson's project.  Our support group also felt
>>(before even seeing it) that we should loan it to local nursing
>>hospital for staff training.  Peter liked that Ivan mentioned being
>>as this is a big problem for him, and one not often cited.  I wished
>>Ivan would have explained that his restless movements were part of
>>package, even tho they were not extremely dyskinetic.  The
>>brought out good points---it is well worth the price.
>If you want a copy, I gather they may still be available---
>{For those who need the surface-mail address, please use:
>Ivan Suzman
>9 Range Street
>Portland, Maine 04103
>Cost of videotape (26 minutes):
>Checks made out to me ;  Each videotape is $13.00 USA;
>$14.00  USA for priority mail
>Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 81/70/55
>Oxford, Ohio
><[log in to unmask]>
>                        "Ask me about the CARE list for
>                        Caregivers of Parkinsonians ! "

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses           deg. F   :-)