


Your web page brought back vivid memories of my Parkinson's experience.
I was 43 at  the time of the diagnosis and had 2 teenage children.  My
husband had died 6 months before so I really  wallowed in self pity.  I
can remember shaking my fist at the ceiling and screaming to my dead
husband, "Why did you leave  me when I needed you so much."  Like  you I
came to grips with the situation and returned to substitute teaching
temporarily until I found a full time job.  I was lucky that I worked
for the Fed. government as they put up with me until 1993 when I retired
on disability.  I had a pallodotomy in 1996 and it helped some for
about a year and a half.   The pallodotomy operation was a piece of cake
compared to your experience.  I agree that the screwing on of the halo
was extremely painful, but that was the only discomfort I had.  The rest
was kind of fun except at the end when my speech suddenly was affected.
Fortunately, my speech returned after 4-6 weeks.

I'm gong to put a list of questions together  for all the nice  lovely
people who  responded to my query.    Until then


Joan Holliday