

I don't know of an internet webb site about places in Mexico where you
can speak only English. You don't need one. I think we are on a good
site now. I will start it.

In all of these places there are people who speak very clear English.

Mexico City----- Good Medical School -------- polluted - I can't breathe
with any comfort there.
Guadalajara ----   Good Medical School --------less polluted, has bad
areas-- good medical school
Monterey  ----                                       ---------- Some
San Miguel de Allende --- new hospital - a lot of english speaking
people. Don't know  anymore yet
sometime next week.

Every place I have been in Mexico there are a lot of people who speak
English. Puts the US to shame. Spanish is a relatively easy language -
once you get a basis.

I don't work for the Mexican government . NIta