

Hi folks ,
dennis's interesting and informative description of problems pwps  had in
getting parking permits because of the on/off nature of our symptoms reminds
me of an interesting encounter I had yesterday. We become so involved (or at
least I do,) with our own problems sometimes, that we do not realize that
others may experience similar  difficulties.
Yesterday I ran into an acquaintance I had not seen for a few weeks. It  turns
out tha she also ahd an interview with an SSA doctor on Friday, also  to
qualify for disability pension. But, she says, the problem is, 'the doctor
never sees me at my worst'.
HEr problem - she is severely allergic to certain chemicals, which can cause
her to become totally dysfunctional. THese include common household chemicals
like air-fresheners, and hairspray. But when she keeps clear of them, she is
fine. Catch a whiff of hairspray etc, and she is helpless.

SHe said it wasn't until she was going to another floor in a building
accompanied by her doctor. and they entered an elevator where someone had used
one of the guilty chemicals - and the doctor saw for himself her immediate
extreme reaction - that  he even considered her complaint as serious. BUt
then, when he tried to help her fill in the forms for SSI, tere was no
appropriate category  under which to file her complaint. Ergo , it doinst
exist, ie there is nothing wrong with her?

so, I guess, we are not alone in our struggle for recognition of our special
p roblems. Maybe if we joined hands with those others who share some of our
problems, we could solve them together, just a little more quickly?

Hilary Blue