

Greetings and salutations to members of the PIE and Sparkle Parkinson's
Disease lists.  A week ago (it seems longer than that somehow) I posted
a proposal to re-kindle The Parkinsaw Chronicles on PIE, where they
began, starting with Chronicle # 1, and moving forward.  I further
proposed that the various editions be edited down to a page or less, and
not contain any porker references or other long, rambling, esoteric
adventures.  These original posts, sans editing, would also be placed on
Sparkle.  In addition, the epics about The Sancturay and it's various
characters, including all the Previous Posted Pigs (sorry!) would be
continued on Sparkle, as long as the Sparkle membership supported and
contributed to the evolving storyline.  With a PIE membership of 1800,
mas o menos, the comments received were pretty lean:  a total of 14
replies, 10 voting their opinion to continue as stated on PIE, with
four members preferring to keep the Chronicles on Sparkle.  The reasons
given for retaining the Chronicles on PIE  were fairly consistent:  "I
need humor on my list, and I don't understand why I have to join another
list to get it,"  as were the reasons for keeping the Chronicles off the
PIE list:  "We have an unwieldly number of NON-PD postings on the list
as it is, we need to reduce the number, and that's what Sparkle was
created for."  Although responses in favor of  keeping an edited version
on PIE were a three-to-one favorite, the lack of responses makes
statistical analysis dicey.  When those hardy folk from Parkinsaw are
faced with such muddled waters, they do what they know best:  they duck,
weedle, hem and haw, form into study groups and adjourn to the Northern
Lights Microbrewery for a couple cold bottles of Levolager beer.  As so
shall I.  For one more week.  Let me post an edited version of the
original  second edition of The Chronicle, for your viewing pleasure.
Those of you advovating their retention, consider the alternative
solution of joining  Sparkle where we wouldn't be bothering anyone.
Those of you who are opposed to retaining the Chronicle on PIE , might
consider whether a one-page NON-PD posting once a week is off-base, with
the knowledge that the Chronicle is basically all about Parkinsonians as
seen through the eyes of a humorist. Unfortunately, the humorist
unwisely coupled the mundane events of Parkinsaw, MI, with a subordinate
storyline about pigs, pigs and more pigs.  The pigs shall survive, but
over on Sparkle, and will live and frolic on different pages than the
Chronicle.  Your comments and views are again sought.

John Bjork
The Parkinsaw Chronicle