

joan carol urquhart wrote:

> Michel...Thank you for this  posting!
> Is there any further info on the vitrtual PD study... I would love to
> investigate further.  Also...any advice to offer for anyone in search of
> surplus computers for PD support groups?...Once 'connected' to the net, it
> means PDs can search for vital info. (like whether Canada allows PDs to
> qualifiy for disability pension...

> Just wanting to make the best of it all.

Dear Joan:
I am addressing this openly because it may inspire others to good deeds which
always gratify.  This is a most worthwhile endeavor for any chapter of the
Parkinson community.
We were fortunate in that we had a PC person in house who had access to usable
surplussed computers.
So!   First you need someone who has contact or access to a large company or
agency that is ready to replace their 'absolete' computers.  Inquire as to
whether they might wish to donate those PC's to a non profit organization like
NPF; then take them  in and store them safely.  Get your PC person to check out
each instrument  to insure usefulness. Then place and install them in the homes
of your designation for people in need.
