

Camilla:  You'll have to come up to Parkinsaw.  The Fabled Cincy
Flying---Ooops.  Better not go there!  Yes, I think that gradually the
solution to this Gordian Knot is emerging from the murky waters of
cyberspace.  Although I do want to wait until the week-end to allow other
comments, I'm not going to post the second original Chronicle this week, and
agree with you that it probably wasn't a very good idea in the first place.
That's two mistakes I've made this year.  Ha!  I mean 2001.  Anyway, the
emerging  solution of keeping the new Chronicles exclusively on Sparkle, with
periodic references to them and the web site on PIE looks like the best way to
go.  Maybe a monthly post to PIE could also be in the cards.  That wouldn't
precipitate raucaus exchanges on PIE I wouldn't think.  Incidently, I'm
mulling over the idea of creating an exclusive web site for the pigs, complete
with music and video.  I may do it for kids.  Let's see, how to begin:  "Once
upon a time in the far away town of Parkinsaw, Michigan, there lived happily
among the people a very special farm for Pretty Plump Pigs with very magical
powers.  Now, can you imagine pigs who can fly?  Well, let me tell you

John Bjork
Parkinsaw, MI

Camilla Flintermann wrote:

> Dear John-- I also feel a bit uneasy about the reruns on PIEN.  Could you
> keep the older pieces on your website, tell folks how to get there (with a
> BRIEF rundown of the main characters) and then post NEW pieces to SPARKLE?
> I don't know how many folks want to read the whole saga, and those3 who
> haven't and want to can do so on your website. How does that sound?
>         ---just for fun!........ Camilla        <[log in to unmask]>
>                           Laughter--    :-)   :-)
>                              the best medecine !