

I keep reading how important support groups are...can you tell me what's
supposed to go on in a support group (in person groups and not like the
LIST)...I've gone to one at the local hospital (recommended as a good one by
the neuro)   and stopped going about 3-4 months ago...they have a speaker
come and talk with questions and answers...and that's pretty good...although
very few in the audience talk as a group....sometimes the questions and
answers are allowed during the speech and he doesn't get through with his
talk....and everybody leaves and goes wherever they have to go...other
times, they can't get a speaker and get a "fill in" which doesn't go over
too big as he usually is not  versed in PD and his answers are "again, check
with your doctor."   I even missed a couple of meetings as they gave up
sending out flyers.....There's got to be more to an in-person  support group
than I've been exposed to.  Plsl tell lme what is supposed to happen....thx.