

I've been reading all the notes about Mirapex as the possible cause of "mushy
brains" and sleep attacks, and thought it was time to say that Dick's
experience with Mirapex has been quite the opposite.  His memory and energy
level definitely improved as soon as he started taking Mirapex.  In his case,
it was the first time in a long time he'd been able to get enough dopamine in
his system to help him function somewhat normally.

I do remember some earlier conversations either on this list or the CARE list
about other possible problems with Mirapex.  I believe there were several
people who thought their balance and freezing problems worsened after
starting Mirapex, and we believe that to be true of Dick, too.  I think I
also remember some caregivers stating that they saw a trend toward
obsessiveness after Mirapex was started.

Of course, a number of people have had to discontinue Mirapex because of its
tendency to cause hallucinations in some people.  We wonder if that same
tendency could be the cause of Dick's vivid dreams, and may experiment at
some later time with Requip to see if he has fewer vivid dreams on that.

Has anyone else noticed increased freezing while on Mirapex?  Or increased
vivid dreams or obsessiveness?

Margie Swindler   cg for Dick, 54/17