


Correction here, from the source!

Elza C. Tiner

-----Original Message-----
From: James Knowles [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Monday, September 20, 1999 1:27 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Jonson Texts

Dear Professor Tiner,

A colleague of mine here at Newcastle showed me your e-mail on (I
think) the REED mailing list about the "Jonson" texts announced by
'The Guardian' last week.

I am sorry to tell you that all is not as it should be.   Professor
Martin Butler (Leeds University), one of the general editors of the
Cambridge Ben Jonson (for which I am editing the masques) contacted
Wiltshire County Record Office and he has faxed me with the material
he received from them.

I can confirm that these are not lost texts and certainly not
manuscripts.   The Wilton 'discovery' is, in fact, pages from the
folio of 1640 '(The Fortunate Isles' and 'Love's Triumph').   The
binding, moreover, is not contemporary but C19th.

I will leave it to you to speculate how a supposedly trained
archivist at Wilton, members of the staff of a CRO, 'experts' at
Christies, and staff at a national newspaper could manage to contrive
such a farrago of error.

Perhaps you could pass this information onwards?


Dr James Knowles,
Lecturer in English.