

Veronica                                                            Lillian,
my wife was diagnosed in 1985, is now 64,takes 1600 mgs. levadopa daily.
With the four doses of c.r. 200/50 she also takes one Urispas 200mg.
[Flavoxate HCI], that is four per day.  Lil has also been to urologists,
neurologists, with unsatisfactory results. Out of the blue she phoned a
friend,M.D.,who came up with urispas, and it in her case was the answer,
Good Results.                        The reason for her problem is the
bladder does not empty entirely,specially when she is low on sinemet.

>   One persons happy experience, hope it helps.                     Hank, c
g for Lillian.
>My problem is with my bladder. Frequency has been a slight problem all of my
>adult life, but it is getting much worse - frequency, urgency (no
>incontinence) every 1/2 hour. I am supposed to be going on holidays at the
>end of the month and I'm very concerned about coping.
>I have been to a couple of Urologists. Here is a list of treatments I've tried:
>        1) Fluoroscopic exam. of bladder indicating a small sensitive bladder.
>        2) Stretching under general anaesthetic - wonderful result which
>lasted one week.
>        3) Ditropan 2.5 mg x 3 - slight improvement.
>        4) Tolteradine (new drug trial) - no use.
>        5) Phsiotherapist - electrodes to lower back - no use.
>A final suggestion has been "Interstim Continence Control" Therapy. An
>implant which stimulates nerves in the sacrum. This sounds very drastic but
>apparently has 65% success rate. Yesterday I took valium which seemed to help.
>Has anyone any advice that can help me.