

Good responses  on muscle cramping advice, here's some more info

MAGNESIUM - Very helpful for cramping of any kind.  And osteoporosis.
But this is not to be taken by itself, as Calcium should never be taken
by itself.  Magnesium helps calcium get to where its going, as in the
clenching and relaxing of muscles, calcium is responsible for the clench
and magnesium for the relaxing.  It's generally sold in a bottle, together
in a ratio of 2:1 (Calcium : Magnesium).  Also good for menstrual cramps.
If you can get it in a compound with: Boron, Vitamins K, C, and D helps
make both minerals more soluble and absorbed in to the tissues and help
the bones.  (it's a formula that's recommended for osteo.).  A company
called Jarrow makes a good one (I forget the name.)

Magnesium losses can be caused by using diuretic drugs, alcohol,
caffeine and sugar.  The softening effect of magnesium can also help
with heel spurs, kidney stones.   An RDA is about 350 mg.

VITAMIN E - Very important for reasons we've all discussed but just
a caution (watch it a bit).  Vitamin E is highly recommended for folks
with high blood pressure and most circulatory problems because, with
it's "kinky" molecular form it helps make blood more "slippy" and therefore
does not clump up as much.  This is good to understand.  It is important
to understand.  Because if you have trouble with clotting, you may
not want to take high doses of Vitamin E.  This is why it is recommended
that women who are about to give birth cut down on it in their last
trimester, so they reduce the risk of hemorrhage.  So now you know.
It's not that Vitamin E is "bad" in high doses, its jut a question of
understanding how it works and adjusting it for your situation.

Uses:  Muscle Cramps, Osteoarthritis, diabetes, dermatitis, menstrual
pain, peptic ulcers, menopause, shingles, cataract prevention,
vascular fragility, wound healing, impotence, cancer .... antioxidant, etc.

AND - as for the kind -- You want MIXED TOCOPHEROLS, the natural,
not the synthetic kind.  Darn it.  I forget the exact reason why
the mixed.  However, the body has trouble recognizing synthetic
and sometimes can not use it.  The natural are better.

When I am looking for a new supplement, I go to a health food store,
not a drugstore.  I'm lucky in that in that I'm in a city that is
well serviced with smaller health food stores where I can get waited
on by an individual who knows their products and understands nutrition
so I can have a mini consultation as to what and why.

- Marilyn -
Caring for Dad

At 11:19 AM 08/29/1999 PDT, kanina lai wrote:
>Hi everyone! Could someone can give me any information or help about how to
>ease the muscle cramping. Everyday and night, i can't work and sleep even
>though i am sleepy. And i become very moodiness and very depress. Me and my
>wife can it no more....