


I'm having a looong night/morning and perhaps am a bit groggy (could
that be intoxicated from lack of sleep??), but would you please explain
again your comment ----

     "The exposure if you start with an agonist on       diagnosis,
would be in the region of 60-100        Pergolide years. ...... but at
least my                    exposure is only 15 Pergolide years."

I did not have a positive response to Mirapex or Requip and am still
wanting to gather as much info as possible about those drugs.

I am wondering if any one else had a similar experience as I had on two
different occasions-  where I flushed all over my body and felt quite
bad and then found on my left chest and left shoulder blade what I
describe as spread-out finger prints of what looks like varicose veins.
The same thing happened again on my right should blade.  And the
fingerprints remain as my questions remain.  I spent a very long time
coping with swollen ankles and legs, beet red feet and pain that almost
made you not want to walk, in addition to the awful "instant sleep"

I feel it is important that I give my physicians as much detailed info
as possible about my experiences so he/she may be quicker to question
and investigate someone elses reactions to a specific drug, as it may
save them some unnecessary pain or discomfort.

While we all would love for our physicians to have "the answers", I feel
it is reasonable for us to remember that they are learning also about
our unwanted companion.  I've taken a bit too long to trust my
instincts--and I know better, because I have good instincts,--but I no
longer think, well it's just the way it is, the PD is making me feel
like this...NO, I listen to my body and I question, and I participate!
I've started keeping a journal about us--Me and PD--and it helps with
the questions and it helps the doctor who is working hard to help's a TEAM effort, and thanks to all the special people on this
list it is a BIG TEAM EFFORT!!

Guess I woke up!!!!

Good morning to you Hilray!  I'm going to bed before I have to get up!

Have a wonderful Monday Holiday everyone!

Sharon Eissele