

Has anyone ever thought of a 'PD Chateau' for 'retired' - (meaning what
we want 'retired' to mean) PWP and know like a large,
lovely country home with individual small dining,
exercise facilities, gardening, art, card, club rooms, etc. where we
could pursue our interests and contribute to  our special community.
If we could located a number of homes throughout the different
countries, we could perhaps help provide meaningful assistance and a
wonderful environment for those we love, and perhaps ease the tremendous
work of those who love us.  Just a thought.......and when we want to
travel, we could have like a vacation exchange of suites or use of guest
quarters with those who are interested....might be the only way I would
get to see this big beautiful world of ours.  I've always been a
dreamer, and I passionately enjoy it when some of those dreams come
true.....I know this certainly would not appeal to everyone.....but for
some it might be a wonderful option.

     "Stretch for a sunbeam,
          Reach for a star--
     Go for a beautiful dream.
     Pick out some wishes,
          No matter how far
     Or how hard to reach
          they may seem....
     Cherish some hopes
     That are dear to your heart,
           and as a new year comes in view,
      Treasure and keep them
      And know from the start
            that this year
      You can make them come true!"

               (sorry, I don't know author
                because I love this poem)

Sharon Eissele