

P&B Fahr wrote:
> With all the discussion about side effects of PD meds I
> found this item from an L. M. Boyd column interesting.
> He says:
> "An estimated 100,000 people die annually in U. S.
> hospitals because of adverse reactions to pharmaceutical
> drugs, or so it is reported in 'Discover' magazine."

I'm continually amazed, at the awesome power of these little
pills that we shovel into our mouths every day. Typically,
the active ingredient may weigh only about one-millionth as
much as the person taking it, but what an effect! This is
big magic, people; don't forget that, be careful. Cheers,
J. R. Bruman   (818) 789-3694
3527 Cody Road
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403-5013