

Nothing wrong with you Giles, it is the TV. I just turn it off. I watch a few
programs and those are it. I may be missing something but I doubt it. Nita

Giles wrote:

> I’m beginning to find that toward the end of the day I don’t like TV.
> I’m not sure if it is a dislike for the “this person did thus and so to that
> person” and the “lets watch all the sick pets” and that crazy alligator
> hunter from Australia or if my mind gets to the point where it does not want
> any more stuff shoved into it.  Am I losing my ability to cope with the high
> action, blood and gore that seem to be the standard fare on TV these days?
> Even Bugs Bunny and Elmer tends to make me wince. Am I finally turning into
> what I disliked most about my parents?  Am I developing a low tolerance for
> high-energy people and activities? Please, tell me there is a cure for this!