

I don't know of anything yet likely to speed up nerve repair. As for emptying of
the bladder, tapping with the side of the hand usually helps. At first, you have
to tap for a relatively long time. Later the bladder "learns" to respond to this
stimulus and contracts. This technique is often used with paraplegics or anyone
with an autonomic bladder. it should be performed at regular intervals. Hope it

Lionel Modra a écrit:

> Hi,
> We have been off list for some time, partially because Win fell and broke
> her third sacral vertebra in February.
> Her Parkinson's is progressing, but the 450 to 500 mg of levodopa, (4.5 to 5
> 100/25 levodopa/carbidopa)  plus 10 mg of selegiline that she takes daily
> keeps that fairly well under control.  She has had to increase the levodopa
> in the last few months.
> She has suffered some nerve damage (from the fall), which affects her bowel
> and bladder functions, and has pain, and some numbness in the whole "saddle"
> area.  The specialist neurosurgeon who treated her in hospital after the
> fall said that there is no treatment, or surgery, for the nerve damage, only
> time for the nerves to heal, if they are going to.  MRI scans indicated that
> the nerves were not severed, only bruised and compressed.
> Win has to have enemas to assist bowel functioning, and has to catheterise
> several times a day to drain the residual urine from her bladder. She is
> being treated by a specialist urologist, who has prescribed two drugs to
> assist the bladder to function.  These drugs are Bethanechol cl (to activate
> the detrusor muscle) and Prazosin hcl (to relax the urethral sphincter).
> While this helps her to void, she still retains more than is acceptable.
> She controls constipation with diet, so that is not a factor in the bowels
> problems.
> I wonder if the any members of this group have had similar problems, or if
> anyone knows of any treatment that helps regeneration of nerves.  There has
> been some improvement, but it seems to reached a plateau at present.
> We will be grateful for any suggestions.
> Win & Lionel Modra,
> Win - d. of b. 1930: diagnosed 1997/01
> Email: [log in to unmask]