

I lost my entire hard drive a week ago Saturday while vacationing in CO,.  I just got it back -  what a revoltin' experience that was!   A virus?  Who knows...

I had just put in a request for a reposting of a list of the PD+ diseases, when it happened.  A big THANK YOU to all who responded !! 

For the past few months I have been just a requester of information - not a provider at all.  I really hate that but my eyes are so screwed up now I can barely type this.  I hope to be back as a full participant some day.  

Meanwhile I have yet another request. My latest symptom which just developed is really excessive drooling, accompanied by - I can't keep my mouth shut , literally.  Mostly from mid-afternoon on.   Does anyone know of any solution to the drooling besides chewing gum?  And has anyone heard of this forced mouth opening ? 
[I make quite a sight these days - I can't keep my eyes open, nor my mouth shut,  I drool all over myself and I just mumble when I try to speak.  I can't walk either.
Pardon me for sounding off a bit...]
Bruce Anderson
Schooley's Mtn, NJ 
(53, 5)