

Camilla, et al...

The free (at this time) program named "ICQ" ( translate
that as "I SEEK YOU") is an outstanding, very, VERY
useful online resource!

Touching only a few out of dozens and dozens of
terrific features are INSTANT note exchanges you
can have with your friends, family and/or strangers
(depending upon what YOU CHOOSE to have in
your set-up) INSTANT chat with anywhere from one
to a dozen people no matter what country or city
each of you are logged on from.

You'll find TONS of forums on TONS of topics
(and yeah - that does include porn and kiddie-forums)
<but I chose not to go there so don't see it when I'm
online> These are all UN-monitored forums unless
the forum "owner" chooses to monitor  their forums.

You can have a free Web site on ICQ, and the good
folks at ICQ (bought from it's original programmers
a coupla months ago by????? - you guessed it - AOL!)
<poetic justice on all you former AOLians who left
that fold for greener virtual places>, and SOOO many
site-enhancing and personalizing plug-ins are made
available to all ICQ members that I couldn't even begin
to describe 'em.

For those of us (like MOI) who just uses ICQ to
have the instant 24 hours daily 7 days per week
messaging and the occasional instant spontaneous
chat with a online friend or relative, there's the SIMPLE
version of ICQ (wonderfully feature- laden - don't get
fooled by the word "simple!") <smile>.

For those of you who really want as many personal
features as possible that will plug you into the
whooooole spectrum of the online virtual world, ya
can opt for the the complex and even MORE feature
laden  program.  THE CHOICE IS YOURS!

NOTE TO BERN:  By the way, m'friend, I've been an
ICQ member for 3 years (since it started) and have
received only 3 porn messages originating from
there my entire venue there - which I promptly
ZAPPED into the far reaches of Cyberspace with
one click on the "delete" key.  I usually receive
(and immediately delete) over a dozen porn,
make-money-fast, and other unwanted and annoying
messages via email each day (and more with each
passing week!).  Many USED to originate from MSN,
but appear to be curbed by that service.  Today's
spammed porn, etc... emails seemed to originate
from some unidentifiable email source.

For those of you who might be interested in
seeing more of the ICO progeam or want to
download it, the Home page can be found at:

For FREE, this is one fantastic program, people!
And _ I _ don't even get PAID for telling ya all
this stuff 'bout ICQ!

Brb Mallut (ICQ member ID number 181034)
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From: Camilla Flintermann <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Saturday, September 11, 1999 10:07 AM
Subject: Re: Non-PD Re: unwanted e-mail

>OK, fine-- so what is "ICQ"?????
>>I found that much of the Porn was coming in via the ICQ. The
>>responsible have no trouble finding email addresses over ICQ. It
is just a
>>matter of typing in a certain amount of digits and voila the
address of a
>>would be victim is in easy reach. I myself have cut off the ICQ
>>since then I have had no more Porns. Bern
>Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 81/70/55
>Oxford, Ohio
><[log in to unmask]>
>                        "Ask me about the CARE list for
>                        Caregivers of Parkinsonians ! "