

At 13:34 1999/09/13 EDT, bonnie wrote to me in part:
>...I tell ya, whoever's running AOL needs to be in jail for
>all the porn coming thru here. I'm wondering if ICQ would
>counter-act all the crap on AOL... Bonnie

hi bonnie

i dunno about icq
it's essentially a copy of aol's instant messenger [aim]
i do think that aol is huge and vulnerable to hackers
***especially from within***

between my experience and my sister's with aol
i would think that the fewer things you sign up for
[newsletters, chats, aim, member profiles, etc etc]
***especially within aol***
the better

your aol account can support several 'screen names'
my sister's was [log in to unmask]
and my screen name was [log in to unmask]
so there was no 'apparent' connection between us to the outside world

you could maybe try setting up a second screen name for yourself in aol
use it very circumspectly, maybe subscribe to one mailing list e.g.
and see how it goes

if any porn starts arriving
after registering your e-mail address for some service or other
you might then have caught the source
or at least the source of an e-mail address list scam

in any event
you are paying good money to aol for internet service
complain to the powers that be there
[and forward all the spam to them]
till they pay attention

spam is not only annoying
it's illegal
porn or no porn


janet paterson
52 now / 41 dx / 37 onset
613 256 8340 po box 171 almonte ontario canada K0A 1A0
a new voice: <>
<[log in to unmask]>