

Dear friends-- Just read the post from our "resident" pharmacist, Dominic
Marchese cautioning about using Benadryl without checking with one's doctor.

Dominic joined the list last year after he spoke to our local support
group.  Today we again had the pleasure of hearing from him, and "picking
his well-stocked brain" about PD and over the counter meds.

I intended to send him thanks here, but his post got here first!

Dominic is a registered pharmacist who works for Athena Pharmaceuticals,
but he is not here to sell products---he is very knowledgable and shares
his expertise, but isn't afraid to say so when he can't answer a question .
Great combination!   If other Ohio support groups (I think that's his
territory) want a good speaker for a meeting, I recommend him, and you can
reach him by email to see if he's available--OK Dominic?
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And thanks again for your instructive discussion with the Oxford group today.

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 81/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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                        "Ask me about the CARE list for
                        Caregivers of Parkinsonians ! "