

IN BAD MOOD TO DAY. first yesterday i forgot my heart patch VIVIAN  found me
on the deck taking a nap well i fell she did not call 911 as she knew what
was wrong. she is at the hospital for her test and walk.  uselessly i look
at my mail before i answer any thing to keep down post. check to see whow
said what if it is what i would say. on unwanted mail there 14 on the same
thing all where about the same. look at the deleteing had to be done. so i
am in the dog house with my lesbian beagle lo.  she likes me but won't come
to me. any young lady can pick her up. got a $100.00 to the first man that
can get to come to him and pick her up lo  boy it's nice to get things off
your mind other thing i like about the list.  I.Y.Q. U  ALL

                                 I.Y.Q.  DON  AND  VIVIAN
                                 LOVE OF MY LIVE-54

                                BEST MED'S FOR PD. IS
                              THE HELP WE GET FROM THE LIST

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