


The web site for the rollator walkers is
The phone # is1-800-234-9255.

Many people in our local support group have these walkers and find them
very helpful.

Hope this helps.

                        Nancy McCaffrey

> From: Nita Andres <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Help- walkers
> Date: Tuesday, September 07, 1999 12:18 PM
> Some one out there was nice enough to send the 800 number for a catalog
> to get a brochure about a walker with 10" wheels. Was it the rollator? I
> called them and they said they would send the catalog. They did not and
> I cannot find the post. Even if you remember the name of the company I
> can use 800 information , not problem. Why do I believe everything I am
> told? I am surely old enough to know better. Maybe this fit of temper at
> that company will make it show up. I doubt it though. CG's get worried.
> Nita