

Rough translation of the German Four Parkinson patients had the idea to ground a self-help club in Hessen Germany. They clubbed together and with a lot of risk brought a rather dilapidated house with a large barn like building. The new club was to be for the Parkinson patients that could not be looked after at home or wanted to give their Care Givers a break. The name they have given themselves is very symbolic for the illnesses we all know Parkies are slow in movement and most have difficulty in going to public places. (I am no exception) Slowness of movement with a house on your back very appropriate. (My comment). The club was founded on the 1 September 1994 and was given the name; "Parkinson's Self help group Snails house." In December 1994 they held an open day for the general public. Finally they have given out an invitation to the general public to visit their home on the 25/26 of September. Again a form of open house. The general public will be shown around the home and given detailed information as to how they can help with Parkinson's. Money donations and help in other ways. The home is to show the General public how a home should be for coping with a Parkinson Patient. How to make an accident free home and what type of furniture and all of the usual things such as Grip or hand rails around the home especially in the bathroom and toilet. The house is tailored to suit the needs of the individual Patient. It is also to show how a house should be furnished for other invalids not just Parkinson Patients. That is a rough translation I will be writing to them to see whether other Peoples with Parkinson can be taken in for a holiday or not I will let you all know what the outcome is. Bern