

At 18:29 1999/09/21 -0700, carole and i wrote:
>janet: It's bad enough you joke about some poor woman
>hooked up to a female stimulator, but now you've said...

i kind of like the graphics though
the gp back to back idea

sort of like db
bid bidbidbidbidbid

it's almost a mirror image type word
except for the tail on the 'g'

i've been revising and tuning up jim finn's pages on my web-site
so i have pig-cells on the brain so to speak

jim's story is an incredible counterpoint mirror image almost
to joe's story
and i'm changing the topmost pienet page to reflect that

jim's story is full of hope and humour
and pigs

pennies for parkinson's and porky and porquetta
was full of hope and humour
and pigs

i sometimes wonder if hope and humour
are actively disliked by some people and if so, why

confucious jesus gandhi buddha
all loved to laugh

even the fire and brimstone old testament bible
recommends a merry heart


janet paterson
52 now / 41 dx / 37 onset
613 256 8340 po box 171 almonte ontario canada K0A 1A0
a new voice: <>
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