

Dear friends-- Here are a few items from the talk which Dominic Marchese
gave to our support group (Oxford,Ohio) last week.

*It is expected that in about October there will be a GENERIC SINEMET CR

*There is a new drug--Rasagiline--which is similar to Eldepryl, but  does
not cause insomnia

*Comtan / Comtess (Entacapone) is soon to be available in the US , and like
Tasmar, will probably still     require some liver monitoring

*Bee pollen seems to help constipation for some PWPs

*Re: antioxidants, natural Vitamin E ( d-Alpha) is absorbed better than
synthetic (dl-Alpha)

*The primary over-the-counter  / PD med interaction is with Eldepryl.  We
know that it is dangerous with Demerol, but  he stated that if dose is only
10mg Eldepryl, it is probably OK.   Be aware that OTC meds Sudafed and
RobitussinDM (cough syrup) are like Demerol.

*Check labels  of OTC meds for a warning not to take if you have PD !


I'll remind you that Dominic, a Registered Pharmacist, is a listmember, who
has offered to answer questions re: PD meds--he can be reached at
<[log in to unmask]>

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 81/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
<[log in to unmask]>

                        "Ask me about the CARE list for
                        Caregivers of Parkinsonians ! "