

Sherry and Brenda,
        Hi, there are lots of us "young-uns" out here.  I was 44 when I
was diagnosed 8 years ago.  My symptoms were a lot like yours Sherry
except it was my right side.  My right arm wouldn't swing freely, I had
difficulty writing, and sometimes my foot would drag.  What little tremor
I have is under control.  My problem is one of rigidity so writing and
walking are the hardest things for me to do when I am "off".  I was a
substitute teacher for ten years but I "retired"  4 years ago because the
workings of my meds was just too inconsistant from day to day.   You see,
not only is everyone different in how this disease and the drugs affect
them, but one day  might be different from the next and the next.
Hopefully your "honeymoon" period will last several years before you
discover this for yourselves.  I have found that my days are much more
equal if I take my meds as scheduled  every day regardless of how good I
might feel at that particular time.  I have also found that what I eat
and when I eat makes a difference as to how  my Sinemet CR is going to
work. Not everyone is bothered by this.  I think it is really important
to find a Dr. whose speciality is movement disorders.   We drive 2 hours
to get to mine.  For free literature contact the National Parkinson
Foundation (1-800-327-4545) and the American Parkinson Disease Assoc.
(1-800-223-2732).  Tell them you are newly diagnosed and would they
please send you any and all booklets, brochures, etc. that are available.
 There is also  the APDA  National Young Parkinson's Information and
Referral Center (1-800-223-9776).  Ask them to send you The Young
Parkinson's Handbook and if you have children ask them about PDKIDS.
        As to the future and when will I be in a nursing home, I try not
to look behind that curtain.  I'm afraid it would be too depressing to
see what is to come.  Actually I worry more that I may have passed
something on to my children and hope they find a way to stop this "thing"
soon.  And I worry whether I will still be able to tent camp on vacation
next summer  or will I make it walking through the airport in November
when we go to SC to visit our son.  But after 8 years I can still cross
stitch, sew, garden, drive a car and play with my 3 grandchildren!

Sharon H
Rockford Young Parkinson's Support Group