

Gerry, et al...

To add to the growing list of PWP's who've lived with PD since a
relatively youthful age, I first got PD symptoms at approx.. age
32, tho it went undiagnosed for 8 years 'cause of the vagueness of
the symptoms and my age.  I was FINALLY diagnosed to age 40 and am
now (GULP) almost 57.

I had a successful unilateral pallidotomy in Oct. of 1994, and
worked until July of '97.

There IS life after Parkinson's - HONEST!!!  It might not be what
ya planned for when you were growing up, but then how many people
WITHOUT  PD ever end up with their youthful plans for their future
actually coming to fruition?

Barb Mallut
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-----Original Message-----
From: Gerry & Brig Haines <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Friday, September 17, 1999 5:18 PM
Subject: Re: Tell me more! and more and more

>Please understand, not all 46 year olds end up in a wheel chair.
My husband
>was 46 when he was diagnosed and at 60 (as of 1 month) he still
is not in a
>wheel chair.
>Don't get me wrong, he certainly has progressed, but not a wheel
chair yet.
>You are right, this is such an individualized disease that no one
knows for
>sure how it will end up.  Just don't give up, Brig worked the
first 7 years,
>and it wasn't easy, but he still did it and still gets around.