

At 00:02 1999/09/19 EDT, you wrote:
>Hi, folks !
>'Tis Saturday night ... in the wake of  hurricane Floyd. In lieu of  baling
>water out my wee boat, I stayed home and tackled the big bottom drawer of
my old
>typewriter desk. It's chock full of old brownish, raggedy,NYT clippings,
>vintage 1980s or earlier   (for me, early Parkie and pre-computer).
>I found a few treasures:  Russel Baker, Bert Atchison, John Houseman, who
>said when he read the obits "There but for the grace of God go I"  ..and
>one little 2x 4 inch treasure which quoted Sen. Jacob Javits who
>suffered from ALS.
>In May 1984, in remarks at New York Hospital, where he was
>a patient - remarks delivered to doctors but directed toward others
>who suffered incurable diseases - Mr. Javits declared:
>"As long as your brain can function, you can contribute.
>The most positive therapy is to perpetuate the life force,
>and whether the patient is a mechanic or a U.S. Senator,
>he or she has a motivation which must prevail over the illness."
>[log in to unmask] (Mary Manfredi)

hear hear!
i like it - "perpetuating the life force"


janet paterson
52 now / 41 dx / 37 onset
613 256 8340 po box 171 almonte ontario canada K0A 1A0
a new voice: <>
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