

hi all

At 22:58 1999/09/18 -0400, judith wrote:
>I am responsible for this long debated topic because I posted the
>article about the embryo donation policy. I expected some discussion
>but I did not anticipate that it would go on for so long and at times
>cause harsh words to be exchanged. I believe this is a personal decision
>and it will not be resolved by further debate. At this point I'm sorry
>I posted the article. PLEASE everyone, let's drop this subject and move

it's hard not to look at repercussions from our actions
as being 'caused' by our actions

if those repercussions were ripples on a pond's surface,
well, yes, it would be correct to say that i caused the effect
the pond has no free will in the matter

but to feel that i 'cause' someone else to do something, anything,
is, in my humble opinion, a distortion in my thinking

no-one else can 'cause' me to do anything
just as
i can 'cause' no-one else to do anything

we are all humans blessed [or cursed]
with our own brains and wills [or won'ts]

i look on the discussion ensuing after your posting
as interesting, enlightening, and productive
as well as sometimes emotionally charged
but so be it - our emotions are us

we all need to be able to express ourselves

for one thing
i believe that violent behaviour is directly connected to
an inability to verbalize emotions

we, each one of us, have something unique and valuable to contribute
which no one else can
not now, not ever

being afraid to express ourselves for fear of anything
is a form of censorship
which i abhor
for the simple reason
that it is a denial of "our life force"

realizing rose lane's profound words is a work in progress for me
i keep uncovering more layers to it:

                                as novices
                  we think we're entirely responsible for
                          the way people treat us

                      i have long since learned that
                        we are responsible only for
                          the way we treat people

                                 rose lane

>Last night Art Hirsch pointed out that a new member had written to
>the list and within a short time there were several replies from
>members whose names had not appeared here before. As he said,
>"Something wonderful just happened."  It was wonderful and that's
>what this list is all about....

i agree whole heartedly

opening up to each other is the "key"
feeling afraid to open up to each other is the "lock"
learning to open up all emotions, positive and negative, is the "magic word"
open sesame!

but no one said it was going to be easy
i think it's the hardest thing i have ever worked at learning

>It's good to hear from you again, Marjorie....

i second that emotion!


janet paterson
52 now / 41 dx / 37 onset
613 256 8340 po box 171 almonte ontario canada K0A 1A0
a new voice: <>
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