

hi all

At 14:01 1999/09/19 EDT, barb wrote:
>Hi...can anyone tell me what is likely going on here?  A problem
>which has been going on now for many, many months has gotton much
>worse on occasion recently. I need practice in describing it and
>feedback from my list cyber-family in preparation for contacting
my MDS tomorrow....

how many months has this been noticable?
has it become worse gradually?

>I first noticed internal rigidity in my throat at nite upon going
>to bed.  It usually was/is relieved by morning. Adjustments I made
>were to sleep with my head and torso raised. I think my MDS increased
>my Elavil in response to my report of this symptom. On a few nites
>it was so painful that I got up and played Solitaire games on my computer.

i'm not clear on how this relates to your pd
when your throat bothers you
is it at the same time as 'off' times with your pd symptoms?

what are your pd symptoms like?
how are they controlled through a 24 hour day by your med regimen?

have your pd meds or your pd symptoms changed during the same
'many months' period of your throat problem?

>Recently (about last two weeks), I have started having incidences during
>the day whereby I feel my throat start to constrict, as it did yesterdauy
>afternoon and to a lesser degree around 11:15 a.m. today. I find it quite
>alarming.  I think in most of these daytime incidences, it occurs after
>my usual dose of meds while they are kicking in.  But I have audible
>breathing at other times as well. (perhaps before I take meds)  Also, I
>have had incidents of worse dyskinesias.

what other aspects are there to your throat problem?
do you have trouble swallowing or talking or in any other way?
maybe your throat difficulty has nothing to do with pd...?
do you smoke? do you still have your tonsils?

>The med schedule I have been following for some time is as follows:
>6:30 am  arise
>7:00        1 xanax (0.25 mg)
>7:30         1 mirapex (0.25)
>8           2 Sinemets (25/100)
>            1 Tasmar (100 mg)
>11 to 12:30     2 mirapex
>11 to 1         2 sinemets
>4-5     1 xanax
>5 to 6      2 mirapexs
>5:30 to 6:30    2 sinemets
>                1 Tasmar
>10 pm       3 Elavils 25 mg
>I look forward to your input and/or questions.  Thanks.
>Regards, Barb B-K

i'm a tad surprised to see that you are taking
sinemet plus mirapex plus tasmar

in addition, your dopamine intake looks quite roller coasterish
especially from 5 to 630 - that's quite a bunch all at once

how did you and your neuro arrive at this schedule?

how does this schedule relate to your ons and offs and dyskinesias?
how does this schedule relate to meals?

how long have you been taking tasmar and mirapex and sinemet all together?

what are the xanax and the elavils for?

- end of phase one of the ja-net-inter-rogation! -


janet paterson
52 now / 41 dx / 37 onset
613 256 8340 po box 171 almonte ontario canada K0A 1A0
a new voice: <>
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