

jjjane wrote in part:
 After I was rejected by the highest court without
>changing the laws, she won her case.  And...She is STILL working.  So as
>long as she denies her Parkinson's how can we expect to gain our disability.
>Janet she has a responsibility to the people of this country to tell it
>like it is.

While I would be delighted for Janet Reno--or ANY high visibility PWP to
speak for the whole PD community and raise awareness,  I suggest we
remember how INDIVIDUAL PD is, and that she may actually be telling the
truth about HER OWN experience with it, as well as protecting her job.
Let's hope  that  she contiunues to be able to perform her  job, and that
after the next election she can "retire" and be a semi-private person and
THEN do all she can to raise PD awareness.   Remember how we jumped on
<Michael J. Fox in the beginning, and  his situation is somewhat like
hers--they both need to minimize their  disability as much as possible.  I
do agree that in public statements they should  make it clear that others
are more seriously  affexcted than they are AT PRESENT.  A real tightrope
to walk !

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 81/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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                        Caregivers of Parkinsonians ! "