

has anyone here with parkinson's experienced sciatica?

if so:
what did you do for relief? did it work?
did you have back surgery, and if so did that work for you?

my mom (age 68, diagnosed with pd 5 years ago, taking artane and selegeline)
has been diagnosed with sciatica. she has lower back pain and leg pain that
is often disabling if she doesn't take a whole lot of motrin (up to 3200mg
per day).  she's had it for 2 years, but it's gotten much worse in the past 6
months.  the mri and ct scan revealed a herneated disc, and they want to
operate. we've tried physical therapy, accupuncture and tens (nerve
stimulation), but  so far nothing has helped.  we ofcourse would prefer to
avoid surgery if we can.  we recently came across a sentence in an
informational pamphlet on parkinson's which stated that sometimes people with
parkinson's can have lower back and leg pain that mimics sciatica, but it
didn't give any more information on it. does anyone know anything else about
this, or can point me in the right direction regarding research. i've been
doing medline searches but i can't find anything. i'm very interested in any
personal anecdotes.