

Keep sending letters as congress is doing better and increasing
neurological research at NIH.

Jeanette Fuhr

From: Camilla Flintermann <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Advocacy letter
Date: Friday, September 17, 1999 9:48 PM

Don't think this went through--it bounced earlier so I'm trying again.

Today I received a reply to a letter I sent a couple of weeks ago to our
Ohio Senator, Mike DeWine.
He was one of the last to sign on, but DID vote for Udall finally.
My current letter was based on PAN's action alert, and urged full
funding,etc, for NIH  PD-directed research.

His reply is basically nothing--he "strongly supports increased funding to
NIH and other public health organizations. "   He's "glad to hear my
concerns re: PD..."  Nothing specifically about the points in the letter.

Since DeWine is on the Health,Education,Labor and Pensions committee oif
the Senate, and Chair of the subcmte. on Aging, he should be more
receptive.  Perhaps PAN can either contact him or suggest a next step?  I
doubt, frankly, that we will make a lot of headway this year still, as they
will be all tied up with finding $$$$$ to keep the government running right
before election year. But I thought I'd pass this along....

Our other Senator, Geo. Voinovich, hasn't been heard from, nor has Rep.
John Boehner, never a Udall supporter to begin with.

        Camilla Flintermann               <[log in to unmask]>


         "You must *be* the change you wish to see in the world" - Gandhi